Insurance Monitoring
With the Insurance Monitoring you keep your target audience, products and competitors always in view. You recognize when your reputation is in danger and the mood in the web becomes negative. With the alarm system monitoring and Insurance Monitoring, you have the possibility to create PDF reports quickly and easily, which you can then transmit. In this way you can, without much expertise required, immediately generate and pass on reports in a targeted way.
Monitoring for Analysis and Prevention
Your insurance customers, partners and clients move in many different channels on the Web. They use social networks to share their experience on the services your company provides. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, blogs or forums: you can´t keep all platforms in view and take care of your day-to-day business. The Monitoring Tool for insurance companies offers you an optimal service exactly in this area. You will keep in just a few clicks, all the important KPI´s and customer testimonials in view and you can react, in a targeted way when it´s necessary.
When can we “insure” you for the Social Web?
Avantages of Insurance-Monitorings:
- Be aware of the mood in the Web
- Keep competitors in view
- Recognize chances, risks and trends
- Reputation management
- Numerous evaluations and export possibilities