Social Media Seminar
More and more small and middle sized German companies are busy with these questions – which way can social media activities contribute to achieving their marketing and communication targets? What does your target audience do? Where does your target group go and which platforms are not at all appropriate for your company? What time and personal effort do you need to count with to operate a professional Social Media Marketing with all its advantages? We answer these and other questions with our Social Media Seminar.
Training in Social Web
azobit´s one-day Social Media Seminar answers your individual questions regarding the social web. We bring you closer to the challenge of the world of Likes and Followers. azobit will explain backgrounds and present trends with practical examples and show-cases. Facebook, Google+, Twitter and YouTube? Do you have general questions to the specific platforms in the social web or do you need an intensive training to apply it?
Our Consultants and Social Media Experts
The target of azobit and Goldmedia´s seminar is to offer a practice oriented navigation through the complex net of different social media applications. The seminar is equally suitable for beginners and for the more advanced. Its targets are all decision-makers and employees that are busy with everything related to Web 2.0. Our consultants for this workshop are Michél Walther, Marketing-Manager for azobit.com GmbH, and Simon Boé, Managing Director of Goldmedia Marketing GmbH. Both consultants are experienced trainers and advisors in everything related to Online and Social Media Marketing.
One-day Social Media Seminar
In our one-day Social Media Seminar, we convey the most important themes. The content is aligned with your field as well as with your company´s present challenges. Along with that, marketing processes are described in general as well as the particularities of Social Media Marketing. To that we add a view of the different Social Media Applications that are at your disposal.
Potential content and main focus of the seminar.
1. Development of the Social Media Marketing
2. Web 2.0 – Online Marketing
- RSS-Feed, Podcasts, Web- and Video blogs, Social Bookmarks
- Wikis, Communities, Chats, Forums, Mashups
- Web 2.0 Viral-Marketing
- Twitter Marketing
- Mobile Marketing and Networking
- Website Usability
3. Social Media Marketing
- Setting Social Media Targets
- Acquisition of customers
- Construction and care of a positive market image (Reputation Management)
- Increase of the brand prominence (Brand Awareness)
- Pull-Strategy´s in B2C
- Blog Marketing
- “Viral” media
- Communities – Community building, Blogs or Forums
- Optimization of content (Social Media Optimization)
- Improvement of content search-ability on a website
- Expert circle – coaching experts
- Gathering of information and knowledge
- Present news – Publishing up to date, fitting news
Prices and scope of the Social Media Seminar
The price for the seminar is 490 Euro (plus VAT) per person. No matter if you are interested in a group seminars or in-house training regarding Social Media, we can agree on an individual price and extent on request.
Seminar length: The training is held in one day and begins at 09:30. The end is planned for around 17:00 pm. For your physical comfort, coffee and midday break are ensured during the training. The whole workshop is in German (language of our consultants and documents). Because of the time limit of one day, a part of the content of the seminar is illustrated in compact form. For a continuation and detailed advice regarding Social Media and Web 2.0 we would be glad to agree on a separate appointment or consulting interview.
Seminar Consultants
Michél Walther – azobit GmbH
azobit GmbH is a digital agency, service provider, advisor and partner from the idea to the creative media-suitable implementation. Due to several years of experience and abundant success in completed Social Media Campaigns, Social Media Services has developed into the core competency of azobit.com GmbH. As a strategy partner, azobit GmbH supports and advises agencies/customers in their creative work and takes over the creation and implementation of eye-catching and promotionally effective online strategies.
Simon Boé – Goldmedia Marketing GmbH
Goldmedia Marketing GmbH expands the services and competences portfolio for the Goldmedia Group in the matter of advice and marketing services in the sales area. Gold Media´s core competencies includes taking over operative purchasing processes and purchase strategies for print, TV, radio and online, as well as Digital Signage for Out of Home medias, Instore- and IPTV . In Berlin headquarters, Goldmedia is represented in different locations like Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, and Düsseldorf. Goldmedia is specialised in training and coaching on-online as well as off-line markets in the media sectors.