Online Marketing Seminar
The one-day workshop of “Online Marketing” offers you a valuable introduction in the areas of Search Engine, Affiliate Marketing, Search engine optimization (SEO) as well as Web 2.0 and Social Media. The complex interaction of the individual topics will be explained easily and understandably by azobit´s experts. In the seminar there will be many practical examples and show-cases that will help you will receive a detailed insight into the world of Online Marketing.
Further training for beginners and for the more advanced
Together with Goldmedia, azobit has developed an Online Marketing Seminar that offers a comprehensible view into the world of SEO, SEM and Social Media. Likewise, advanced marketers will be added to your costs and profit from valuable insights on Online Relations, Marketing and PR, Public Relations as well as optimization of the market. Our Marketing Workshop is dedicated to all decision-makers, employees and freelancers that want to expand and develop their knowledge of “digital marketing”. In the process, our two consultants Michél Walther (Marketing-Manager for azobit GmbH) and Simon Boé Managing Director of Goldmedia GmbH) will explain the possibilities and strategies with which you can direct you company through the world of Online Marketing. Both consultants have been active in this segment for many years as trainers and advisors and reinforce their marketing experience with many practical examples and project success.
Content of the Marketing Workshop
In spite of the many chances and possibilities of Online Marketing, in many companies the potential of SEO, SEA and Social Media is not used correctly. Even in cases where a limited marketing budget is available, with the right strategy and the fitting channels it is possible to reach a good level of growth. In our advanced training you will learn how to use and build up Search Machine Optimization in the right way, how keyword campaigns with Google Adwords work, what potential your affiliate marketing program has ready for companies, how newsletter campaigns and email marketing works right, how to optimize the usability and with the user experience of your website and how Social Media Services (SMS) together with Web 2.0 can use applications effectively.
Focus points of the Online Marketing Training
In the one-day training, the main focus is on the subjects of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Advertising (SEA), Usability-Optimization, Social Media as well as Web 2.0 and Affiliate Marketing.
With the help of these techniques all training content will be aligned with your sector beforehand and will be targeted to meet the challenges of your company. This individual content of the marketing workshop will be complemented through general description of the marketing process as well as the particularities of each channel and online marketing strategies. As well as that, this seminar provides an extensive view of the different web applications that are at your disposal.
Possible content and seminar focus points
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Improvement of Google Rankings
- Tips about working methods of Webcrawlers in regard to Keywords, Metatags, page construction and structure
- On-page- and Off-page-Optimization of your website
2. Keyword Advertising (SEA = Search Engine Advertising)
- Insights into Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing
- Keyword-research and generation in regard to specific terms and building of term combinations
- Creation of promotionally effective and relevant text for the advertising campaign
- Tips about conception and implementation of Landing-pages
- Establishment of different user accounts and creation of campaigns
- Explanation about regional and national customer language
- Optimization of click rates (CTR = Click Through Rate) and determination of quality factors
- Tips and advice to the success factors and optimization of a keyword campaign
3. Affiliate Marketing and Partner programmes
- Choice of the right partner programs for your company
- Overview of different Affiliate Platforms and Service Provider
- Tips regarding the choice of the advertising platforms that are tailor made for your target audience
- Optimization of payment types PPC (Pay Per Click), PPL (Pay Per Lead), PPS (Pay Per Sale) and various mixed forms
- Conception and design of advertising media
- Reporting and controlling advertising campaigns
4. Newsletter- and Email-Marketing
- Tips for planning, conception and implementation of recurring Newsletters
- Tips and examples about CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and Permission-Marketing
- Increasing your Newsletter subscribers
- Tips and indications to Spam filtering
- Campaign and mailings Quality-Check
5. Web 2.0 Marketing
- Examples of applications of RSS-Feeds, Web-Blogs and VLOGs (Videoblogs), Podcasts and Social Bookmarking Services
- Tips about Wikis, Social Communities, Mashup´s, forums and chats
- Viral Online Marketing with Web 2.0
- Guidelines about Twitter-Marketing
- Explanation regarding Mobile-Marketing and mobile networking
- Optimization of Usability and User Experience
Prices and scope of the Online-Marketing-Workshops
The price for our one-day seminar is 490 Euro (plus VAT) per person. Groups or in-house seminars will be agreed individually and upon request.
Length: Seminar starts at 09:30, finishing around 17:00 pm. During the workshop there will be a coffee and a midday break.
Note: The Online Marketing Seminar will be imparted in the German language and all training material and documents are also in German. Please be aware that a part of the content can only be illustrated and explained in a compact form, as it is just a one-day seminar.
Seminar Consultants
Michél Walther – azobit GmbH
azobit GmbH is a digital agency, service provider, advisor and partner from the idea to the creative media-suitable implementation. With several years of experience and abundant success in completed Social Media Campaigns, Social Media Services has developed into the core competency of azobit.com GmbH. As a strategy partner, azobit GmbH supports and advises agencies/customers in their creative work and takes over the creation and implementation of eye-catching and promotionally effective online strategies.
Simon Boé – Goldmedia Marketing GmbH
Goldmedia Marketing GmbH expands the services and competences portfolio for the Goldmedia Group in the matter of advice and marketing services in the sales area. Gold Media´s core competencies includes taking over operative purchasing processes and purchase strategies for print, TV, radio and online, as well as Digital Signage for Out of Home medias, Instore- and IPTV . As well as the Berlin headquarters, Goldmedia is represented in different locations like Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, and Düsseldorf. Goldmedia is specialised in training and coaching as well as on Online and Offline markets in the media sectors.