Social Media Alert
The better known your brand becomes, the more often it will be mentioned in social channels. Principally, companies and market managers should be happy about a viral distribution of their brand on Facebook, Twitter and other networks. But what if your customers or followers are unsatisfied with your company and its services and express themselves negatively?
You can´t always be online and control your Social Media Channels – however, our Social Media Alarm can. As soon as users publish critical statements or posts on the social network, our alarm turns on and informs you about this trend. In this way you don´t miss any negative pronouncements from the social networks and can react accordingly to negative testimonials.
Social Media Alert for your Company
With our Alarm system for social networks you have the possibility to quickly react to posts and alleviate any negative moods on the social media. No matter if there are comments, posts, evaluations or contributions: our Social Media Alarm helps to purposefully prevent a crisis and is also revision- proof.
Various features like authors, date of creation, content and comments are saved and arranged clearly and can be retrieved at any time. As an optional service, our analysts can review a specific situation for you and recommend you a plan of action. In this way you will not only react in time to customer moods but also in the right way.
Test Social Media Alert today!
Further Modules in Social Media Office:
- Social Media Alarm
- Social Media Monitoring
- Social Media Report
- Social Media Editorial CRM
- Social Media Tools
- Facebook TabPages & Insights
- Blog for your Company
Your advantages with Social Media Alarm
- Alerts and alarms that are tailor made and optimized for your Company or brand
- Early warning, when critical or negative comments are expressed
- Three step Alarm System: mentions are evaluated through th etraffic-light-system
- yellow lowest warning stage
- orange middle warning stage
- red highest warning stage